Why we do it

MESH is an adaptive facade system that addresses a four-pillar challenge that is becoming increasingly apparent.

The first pillar of this challenge is the so called urban heat island phenomenon where temperatures in urban areas are much higher than temperature in the suburban and rural areas around them due to the dense infrastructure that absorbs and re-emits heat.

 The second is the high percentage that the buildings take in total energy consumption. In Europe this percentage is 40%, while in the US it reaches up to 50%.

The third problem is the very high fraction of the buildings that have poor in energy performance. For example in South Europe 49% of the buildings were built in the period between 60s and 90s and they lack insulation.

The fourth pillar of this challenge is Climate Change. Temperatures are raising more and more every year, extreme events are increasing in density and frequency and the energy demand of buildings is growing and will keep growing if the problem is not addressed.

In these conditions, the improvement of the Energy Performance is one of the key objectives of intervention in existing buildings, as well as in the design of new developments!

MESH can be a tool towards climate neutrality. It can be a strong piece in a comprehensive solution to this challenge that many cities around the world but especially in Europe are facing.

The European Green Deal -the plan for transforming the EU into a climate neutral continent by 2050-, highlights the need to boost renovation in order to reach the climate objectives. The specific goal is to have more than 80% of the building stock transformed towards energy efficiency by 2030. Renovation solutions to meet this goal are becoming more and more important every year. AAS was founded to take advantage of the urgent need for our building stock retrofit. The European Commission has also highlighted the importance of smart solutions and digitalisation of the building retrofitting value chain.